As a couple, family or with friends, Tignes offers a whole host of events throughout the season so that you can explore the mountains, try out new activities and enjoy inspiring musical and artistic offerings from our dynamic guest artists. Don’t hold back!
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
A sports activity combining electronic gun shooting with a non-compulsory run.
10 minutes sessions - Limited places.
> From 10 years old
Come and meet the Tourist Office team for a friendly chat!
On the programme : discussions, information, discovery of the resort's events and activities. We'll be there to help you organise your stay, with a drink from the Tourist Office.
3, 2, 1... ! Go for it! Meet on the snow front of the lake to take part in a big sledge race. Group starts or one against one, we are expecting many of you to come and take part in this event at the bottom of the Piste de Palafour.
Come and make the most of our illuminated kindergarten in the evening, and enjoy one downhill run after another on a snowbike or toboggan, accompanied by ESF instructors. As a bonus, we'll give you access to the conveyor belt so you can reach the top of the slope effortlessly!
5:30pm to 6:30pm // For children aged 3 to 8
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Come and discover this winter Olympic discipline with friends or family.
From 10 yo.
Would you like to learn more about the riches of the Tignes area using new technologies specially designed for Tignes? A presenter will introduce you to the augmented reality and virtual reality experiences available in the Panorama area and explain how to get the most out of them. To make this experience as enjoyable as possible, places are limited to 8 people per session. Don't forget to register at or directly with the Panorama staff. Free, ages 12 and up.
Saurez-vous completer la liste de photos à prendre dans la station ?
Rendez-vous à 15h au Val Claret Centre pour reléver le défis.
A partir de 6 ans.
Inscriptions sur place.
Découvrez le Mur Interactif "Ze Wall", une expérience ludique pour toute la famille sur le front de neige. Des défis de réflexe, de vitesse, de précision, de réflexion en une minute chrono, accessibles à tous, même en chaussures de ski. Fous rires assurés ! Ne manquez pas cette animation conviviale et dynamique qui réchauffera les corps engourdis.
From 8 yo
Come and challenge yourselves in 1 vs 1 or in teams on a course combining an obstacle course and a frantic luge race.
> From 6 years old
Terminé les voyages à skis à l'autre bout du monde pour Victor Galuchot ! Avec Les étoiles de la Terre, le skieur dévoile un film de toute beauté produit par ses soins, juste à côté de la maison. Les plans au drone sont à couper le souffle sans pour autant faire oublier le sujet abordé en filigrane : la disparition des glaciers. Dans un mea culpa à demi-mot, Galuchot reconnait que les skieurs sont en train de « couper la branche sur laquelle nous sommes assis » et revient à un ski plus modeste, mais pas moins ambitieux.
Tous les lundis du 23/11/24 au 04/05/25.
Entrée libre.
Let yourself be carried away by Robin's magic tricks that will delight young and old
From 7pm to 9pm
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
A unique setting and experience. This is what we offer you this winter. The Tignes ski area is holding out its arms to you and we are offering you the chance to be the first to hit the slopes, accompanied by the Tignes ski patrol. Take advantage of this privileged moment with the ski patrollers as they take up their morning shift to ask all the questions about the domain and its secrets!
After leaving your tracks on the freshly groomed slopes, take the time to have a coffee and a croissant on the terrace! This breakfast is included in the activity, so take advantage of it without feeling guilty, and enjoy your special moment!
16,00€ /person : includes the first track descent + hot drink & croissant on arrival
Back again, and better than ever. This years' Step On® Test Ride Tour features the new collection with new colorways.
This is your chance to test Burton’s most innovative boot-to-binding system. Drop by the booth, talk tech with our side-sliding staff and then click in to snowboarding made simple on a test ride of Step On® boots and bindings.
Testing is FREE (please bring a valid ID) and riders of all ages and skill levels are welcome.
Learn more:
Come and show us your snow bloc carving talent.
> From 8 years old
Come and challenge yourselves in teams of 3 in this friendly competition combining speed and precision. sliding on an inflatable sledge, you will have to reach the centre of a target.
> From 6 years old
Come and discover the Yooner ski sled! A parallel slalom race where your balance will be put to the test.
> From 6 years old
En 1952, le village de Tignes est à jamais englouti. Tous ces sacrifices sur l’autel de l’essor économique et du progrès en valaient-ils la peine ? Comment peut-on se remettre de ces drames ? Et que retiennent les générations actuelles de ces vastes projets ?
Tous les mardis et vendredis du 23/11/24 au 04/05/25.
Entrée libre.
Votre enfant a de l’imagination ? C’est le moment de venir faire un atelier artistique au Panorama ! En accord avec la nouvelle exposition de photographies sur l’ancien village de Tignes « Santa Terra », une animatrice proposera une petite visite guidée suivi d’un moment créatif : avec des fusains, les enfants pourront s’inspirer des œuvres pour créer leur propre station.
Atelier sur réservation obligatoire à
A partir de 6 ans.
Projection de divers films et courts métrages avec au programme :
Durée : 31 minutes
Résumé : Pour s'adapter à leur environnement, les sociétés humaines ont toujours su développer différentes techniques transmises au fil des générations. Qu’en est-il chez les animaux ? Peut-on parler de culture chez eux ? Pour le savoir, une équipe scientifique internationale s’est rendue dans les montagnes japonaises à la rencontre de communautés de macaques pour découvrir les pratiques culturelles de Saru : le singe des neiges.
Durée : 9 minutes
Première diffusion en festival
Résumé : L'Alaska subit de plein fouet le changement climatique. Avec la hausse des températures, le pergélisol se dégrade. Sans cette glace qui joue un rôle de ciment dans le sol, les versants des montagnes sont fragilisés. Ce film nous embarque avec les scientifiques qui tentent de comprendre ce qu’il se trame sous terre.
Durée : 53 minutes
Première diffusion en festival
Résumé : Autrefois la résidence des dieux dans la mythologie grecque, le Mont Olympe était célébré par les peuples antiques au cours de nombreux phénomènes surnaturels. Aujourd’hui, des chercheurs tentent d’expliquer scientifiquement ces événements, grâce à une exploration à proximité du sommet qui culmine à près de 3000 mètres au-dessus de la mer Égée. Une expédition à la recherche de précieux indices qui les mènera jusqu’à une grotte de glace jamais explorée.
Durée : 17 minutes
En avant-première
Résumé : Qu’est-ce qui distingue un flocon alpin d’un flocon arctique ? À première vue, ça ne saute pas aux yeux. Pourtant, il y a de nettes différences entre eux ! Et si on connaît bien les flocons de nos montagnes françaises, on manque encore cruellement de données sur les neiges des milieux polaires, et leur rôle dans le climat de la Terre. Une équipe de recherche de Météo France se penche sur les différences de micro-structures dans les manteaux neigeux pour améliorer les modèles de projections climatiques. Un voyage qui nous plonge dans l’infiniment petit, des Alpes françaises à l’Arctique canadien.
Durée : 15 minutes
Résumé : En Himalaya, dans la vallée désertique du Zanskar, la population a toujours été tributaire des glaciers, fournissant l’eau nécessaire à la vie et aux cultures. Aujourd'hui, dans une lutte inégale contre le changement climatique, les habitant·es du Ladakh construisent des glaciers artificiels pour ne pas manquer d'eau au printemps et contribuer à la recharge des nappes.
Envie de prolonger un peu votre soirée après un bon repas au restaurant ? Le Panorama vous propose des soirées jeux en tout genre organisées tous les mardis soir de la saison d’hiver de 20h30 à 22h30 à partir du 26 Novembre. Jeux de société, jeux vidéo ( pc et ps5 - crash team racing, bomberman, worms, gran turismo 7, EA sports FC - ), venez vous installer confortablement dans les canapés en famille autour d’un bon jeu qui vous sera prêté gratuitement. En accès libre.
- Rendez-vous à l'Espace Panorama de la Maison de Tignes le Lac
- Durée de l'animation : 2h00
- Tarif : Gratuit
- Age : à partir de 3 ans
L'entrée se fera par les terrasses extérieures.
House Funk Disco
Starting at 10pm
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Eau thermale avène is coming to the slopes for its Winter Tour. Visit the Avène stand next to the tourist office on the Tignes le Lac snow front from 9am all day long to relax and learn about the dangers of the sun, even in the mountains.
On the programme:
- Personalised advice from a team of experts
- Interactive UV camera to discover the effects of the sun on your skin
- Testing of Avène suncare products
- Giant sun cream dispenser
- Relaxation area and souvenir photo booth
Visit the stand to find out all about sun protection.
Tignes Snowpark to spin the wheel of tricks and realize the freestyle figure. DC Shoes goodies for the participants
From 8 yo.
Envie de faire profiter à vos enfants d’un moment de lecture dans un cadre magnifique ? Spécialement pensée pour les petits montagnards en herbe, le Panorama vous propose une heure du conte thématique autour de la faune et de la flore de la Vanoise tous les mercredis des vacances entre 16h et 17h.
- Rendez-vous à l'Espace Panorama de la Maison de Tignes le Lac
- Durée : 1 heure
- Tarif : Gratuit
- Age : 2 à 8 ans
Form teams of 4 or 5 players and battle it out in a game of football on snow !
Ages 8 and up / Registration on site !
Come and play against your friends on the legendary Crash Team Racing every Tuesday this summer season, from 5pm to 6.30pm! There's lots of goodies to be won, so warm up your thumbs and come and challenge yourselves at Panorama. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 16 per tournament, so make sure you register at
Details :
Location: Espace Panorama at Maison de Tignes
Duration: 1h30
Price: free of charge
Age: 8 years and over
Poker tournament open for everyone. Please register by email to !
Gift and surprise for winner and everyone.
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Eau thermale avène is coming to the slopes for its Winter Tour. Visit the Avène stand next to the tourist office on the Tignes le Lac snow front from 9am all day long to relax and learn about the dangers of the sun, even in the mountains.
On the programme:
- Personalised advice from a team of experts
- Interactive UV camera to discover the effects of the sun on your skin
- Testing of Avène suncare products
- Giant sun cream dispenser
- Relaxation area and souvenir photo booth
Visit the stand to find out all about sun protection.
From 9am to 7pm
Do you have a good memory? Come and try our animation to find out.
The aim is to remember which photos are displayed at the edge of the slopes and to find them all once you're down.
Registration on site.
Vos enfants ont envie de plonger au cœur du mystère des montagnes ? Nous les invitons à aider notre chercheuse à résoudre des énigmes et trouver des indices qui les mèneront peut-être à une découverte à l’espace Panorama. Pour le savoir n’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à car les places sont limitées à 10 enfants qui repartiront avec une récompense.
Le jeu se déroulera en français. Pour les enfants de 4 à 10 ans.
1.30pm - 3.30pm
Meeting point at the top of Tovière (accessible with a ski pass or on foot)
Dj Set by TBLZ X Stance
2:30pm to 6pm
Let us tell you about the thousand-year-old history of the village of Tignes, from the peddler to the skier, from the mountain pastures to the villages.
A visit to the church of St Jacques, rebuilt exactly as it was when the dam was built, will give you an insight into the village's rich history.
Led by a guide from the Pays d'art et d'histoire/Facim Foundation.
- Schedule: 2.30pm to 4pm
- Online registration essential before 6pm the day before the activity:
A sports activity combining electronic rifle shooting with a non-compulsory run.
10 minutes sessions - Limited places.
> From 6 years old
Ce film retrace le parcours exceptionnel de l'une des meilleures grimpeuses actuelles. On suit l'évolution de Julia Chanourdie depuis ses premiers pas, enfant, dans la salle de bloc tenue par ses parents, jusqu'à ses toutes dernières performances, qui font d'elle l'une des trois femmes au monde à atteindre le niveau 9b en voie, sous les yeux de son entraîneur de père. Le portrait d'une grimpeuse passionnée à la technique imparable, surdouée mais modeste, qui ira jusqu'à se qualifier pour les Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo.
Tous les Jeudis du 23/11/24 au 04/05/25.
Entrée libre.
Lantern-lit descent on the Henri piste at 6pm.
Torch-lit descent under Tichot at 6.30pm.
Come and admire the ESF's joint descent, with wine and hot chocolate in front of the Val Claret ESF, next to the Tufs chairlift.
Come and make the most of our illuminated kindergarten in the evening, and enjoy one downhill run after another on a snowbike or toboggan, accompanied by ESF instructors. As a bonus, we'll give you access to the conveyor belt so you can reach the top of the slope effortlessly!
5:30pm to 6:30pm // For children aged 3 to 8
Children's lantern descent with the EFS du LAC on the anemone trail under Palafour.
Time of the descent: 5.45pm.
Departure from the 1800 snow front on the Myrtille piste and arrival at the Brévières snow front.
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Eau thermale avène is coming to the slopes for its Winter Tour. Visit the Avène stand next to the tourist office on the Tignes le Lac snow front from 9am all day long to relax and learn about the dangers of the sun, even in the mountains.
On the programme:
- Personalised advice from a team of experts
- Interactive UV camera to discover the effects of the sun on your skin
- Testing of Avène suncare products
- Giant sun cream dispenser
- Relaxation area and souvenir photo booth
Visit the stand to find out all about sun protection.
Come with us on the snow front in Les Brevieres to test your musical knowledge.
Come and discover our numerous models of sledges for children and adults
From 3 years old (children are under the responsibility of their parents)
En 1952, le village de Tignes est à jamais englouti. Tous ces sacrifices sur l’autel de l’essor économique et du progrès en valaient-ils la peine ? Comment peut-on se remettre de ces drames ? Et que retiennent les générations actuelles de ces vastes projets ?
Tous les mardis et vendredis du 23/11/24 au 04/05/25.
Entrée libre.
Le Panorama vous accueille pour des parties endiablées de Loups-Garous tous les vendredis des vacances scolaires de la saison d’hiver ! Que vous soyez un villageois ou un monstre poilu, un seul camp peut triompher. Doté d’un rôle que vous garderez jusqu’à votre mort, accusez, mentez et écartez les soupçons pour échapper à la colère du village comme à la faim des loups-garous. Qui sont les loups ? Qui sont les villageois ? Survivrez-vous assez longtemps pour le découvrir ? Pour participer, n’hésitez pas à vous inscrire gratuitement à Le vendredi de 17h à 19h, deux parties d’une heure organisées. A partir de 8 ans et 18 participants maximum.
Manny in concert starting at 8pm
Happy hours starting at 4:30pm
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Sale of local products and crafts.
Mandatory registration until 12 noon on Sunday at the Evolution 2 office or on //
Concept : Snowshoe walk with cultural and historical explanation of the resort of Tignes (in French)
A sports activity combining electronic gun shooting with a non-compulsory run.
10 minutes sessions - Limited places.
> From 10 years old
Come and make the most of our illuminated kindergarten in the evening, and enjoy one downhill run after another on a snowbike or toboggan, accompanied by ESF instructors. As a bonus, we'll give you access to the conveyor belt so you can reach the top of the slope effortlessly!
5:30pm to 6:30pm // For children aged 3 to 8
Come and meet the Tourist Office team for a friendly chat !
On the programme : discussions, information, discovery of the resort's events and activities. We'll be there to help you organise your stay, with a drink from the Tourist Office.
RANGA'S BAR - Queen of the Snow Stage
Starting at 10pm
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Would you like to learn more about the riches of the Tignes area using new technologies specially designed for Tignes? A presenter will introduce you to the augmented reality and virtual reality experiences available in the Panorama area and explain how to get the most out of them. To make this experience as enjoyable as possible, places are limited to 8 people per session. Don't forget to register at or directly with the Panorama staff. Free, ages 12 and up.
Take up at the challenge without being the target. Come and discover this activity on the snow.
> From 6 years old
Come and discover our numerous models of sledges for children and adults
From 3 years old (children are under the responsibility of their parents)
Form teams of 4 or 5 players and battle it out in a game of football on snow !
Ages 8 and up / Registration on site !
Le cinéma de Tignes Val Claret vous propose une séance à faire en famille avec la projection du film Super Lion qui sera précédée d'un goûter le lundi 24 février à 17h. A partir de 5ans, plus d'informations sur place auprès de l'équipe du cinéma.
Venez découvrir l'histoire de Tignes et la vie quotidienne dans le vieux village au travers d'une conférence animée par Cédric Broet, ancien archiviste de la mairie de Tignes, le lundi 24 février à partir de 18h à l’espace Panorama en accès libre.
Dj Set by Elysium B2B Coil
From 10.00pm to 2am
For more information on our other events, join us on Instagram
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
A unique setting and experience. This is what we offer you this winter. The Tignes ski area is holding out its arms to you and we are offering you the chance to be the first to hit the slopes, accompanied by the Tignes ski patrol. Take advantage of this privileged moment with the ski patrollers as they take up their morning shift to ask all the questions about the domain and its secrets!
After leaving your tracks on the freshly groomed slopes, take the time to have a coffee and a croissant on the terrace! This breakfast is included in the activity, so take advantage of it without feeling guilty, and enjoy your special moment!
16,00€ /person : includes the first track descent + hot drink & croissant on arrival
Découvre l'univers des stations de ski et à ton tour, imagine ta station de ski idéale ! Un atelier à faire en famille le mardi 25 février de 10h à 11h à l'espace culturel Le Panorama au 3è étage de la Maison de Tignes.
En partenariat avec la fondation Facim.
Gratuit, à partir de 6 ans, sur réservation auprès des agents du Panorama ou à
Come and show us your snow bloc carving talent.
> From 3 years old
Saurez-vous completer la liste de photos à prendre dans la station ?
Rendez-vous à 15h au Val Claret Centre pour reléver le défis.
A partir de 6 ans.
Inscriptions sur place.
Come and challenge yourselves in teams of 3 in this friendly competition combining speed and precision. sliding on an inflatable sledge, you will have to reach the centre of a target.
> From 6 years old
Organised by the association ‘Les100 Fous du Score’, come and try rugby on snow. Workshops on tackling with percussion mats, passing drills and short matches.
Open to all! Hot wine and hot chocolate offered to participants.
Come and play against your friends on the legendary Crash Team Racing every Tuesday this summer season, from 5pm to 6.30pm! There's lots of goodies to be won, so warm up your thumbs and come and challenge yourselves at Panorama. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 16 per tournament, so make sure you register at
Details :
Location: Espace Panorama at Maison de Tignes
Duration: 1h30
Price: free of charge
Age: 8 years and over
Fancy extending your evening after a good meal in a restaurant? Starting November 26, Panorama will be hosting games evenings of all kinds every Tuesday evening during the winter season, from 8:30pm to 10:30pm. Board games, video games ( pc and ps5 - crash team racing, bomberman, worms, gran turismo 7, EA sports FC - ), come and settle down comfortably in the sofas with your family around a good game which will be lent to you free of charge. Free access.
- Meet at the Espace Panorama in the Maison de Tignes le Lac
- Duration: 2h00
- Price: Free
- Age: from 3 years
Entrance via outdoor terraces.
Yoshi Di Original Feat Dj Soap
Chinese Man Records
From 9pm to 1am
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Come and discover this winter Olympic discipline with friends or family.
From 10 yo.
Tignes Snowpark to spin the wheel of tricks and realize the freestyle figure. DC Shoes goodies for the participants
From 8 yo.
Envie de faire profiter à vos enfants d’un moment de lecture dans un cadre magnifique ? Spécialement pensée pour les petits montagnards en herbe, le Panorama vous propose une heure du conte thématique autour de la faune et de la flore de la Vanoise tous les mercredis des vacances entre 16h et 17h.
- Rendez-vous à l'Espace Panorama de la Maison de Tignes le Lac
- Durée : 1 heure
- Tarif : Gratuit
- Age : 2 à 8 ans
Votre enfant a de l’imagination ? C’est le moment de venir faire un atelier artistique au Panorama ! En accord avec la nouvelle exposition de photographies sur l’ancien village de Tignes « Santa Terra », une animatrice proposera une petite visite guidée suivi d’un moment créatif : avec des fusains, les enfants pourront s’inspirer des œuvres pour créer leur propre station.
Atelier sur réservation obligatoire à
A partir de 6 ans.
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Vos enfants ont envie de plonger au cœur du mystère des montagnes ? Nous les invitons à aider notre chercheuse à résoudre des énigmes et trouver des indices qui les mèneront peut-être à une découverte à l’espace Panorama. Pour le savoir n’oubliez pas de vous inscrire à car les places sont limitées à 10 enfants qui repartiront avec une récompense.
Le jeu se déroulera en français. Pour les enfants de 4 à 10 ans.
TBLZ x Stance
"4 Hands, One Vibe"
From 2:30pmto 6pm
Let us tell you about the thousand-year-old history of the village of Tignes, from the peddler to the skier, from the mountain pastures to the villages.
A visit to the church of St Jacques, rebuilt exactly as it was when the dam was built, will give you an insight into the village's rich history.
Led by a guide from the Pays d'art et d'histoire/Facim Foundation.
- Schedule: 2.30pm to 4pm
- Online registration essential before 6pm the day before the activity:
A sports activity combining electronic rifle shooting with a non-compulsory run.
> Sessions of 10 minutes - Limited places
> From 8 years old
From 4.30pm: Sale of lanterns in aid of the children of the Club des Sports, sale of drinks and food by the Amicale des Pistes
From 5.30pm: Lantern-lit descent by children from the ESF, followed by an evacuation demonstration on the Palafour chairlift by the STGM
From 6pm: Show and demonstration of the ski patrol profession
From 6.30pm: Ski show by ESF and Club des Sports instructors at the bottom of the Palafour piste
7pm: Torchlight descent by ESF instructors down the Johan Clarey piste, with a guard of honour from the snow groomers
Come and immerse yourself in the history of Tignes through magnificent archive photos from the Santa Terra collection, which shed light on life in the old village of Tignes, the daily life of this small mountain village before it became the major winter sports resort as we know it today. The exhibition is open free of charge during Panorama opening hours from 07 to 28 February, with no age limit.
A conference on the history of Tignes given by Cédric Broet, former archivist at Tignes Town Hall, will be held on Monday 24 February at 6pm at the Panorama Centre, with free admission.
Come with us on the snow front in Les Brevieres to test your musical knowledge.
Come and challenge yourselves in 1 vs 1 or in teams on a course combining an obstacle course and a frantic luge race.
> From 6 years old
Come and discover the Yooner ski sled! A parallel slalom race where your balance will be put to the test.
> From 6 years old
Le Panorama vous accueille pour des parties endiablées de Loups-Garous tous les vendredis des vacances scolaires de la saison d’hiver ! Que vous soyez un villageois ou un monstre poilu, un seul camp peut triompher. Doté d’un rôle que vous garderez jusqu’à votre mort, accusez, mentez et écartez les soupçons pour échapper à la colère du village comme à la faim des loups-garous. Qui sont les loups ? Qui sont les villageois ? Survivrez-vous assez longtemps pour le découvrir ? Pour participer, n’hésitez pas à vous inscrire gratuitement à Le vendredi de 17h à 19h, deux parties d’une heure organisées. A partir de 8 ans et 18 participants maximum.
"Tout débute avec les photos d’une famille. Une famille inconnue, qu’on a l’impression pourtant de connaître. Au centre : ce garçon. Qui est-il ? Quelle est son histoire ? Et si chaque individu était aussi le héros involontaire d’un conte ? Une enquête familiale vertigineuse, où réalité et fiction se mêlent jusqu’à se confondre parfois."
La projection sera suivie d'un échange avec les coréalisateurs du film, Zabou Breitman et Florent Vassault.
Tarifs habituels du cinéma, renseignements directement sur place.